
Subscription Information

Can I purchase a Subscription for my product?
Yes! We are now offering one-year, renewable Autodesk Subscriptions on our Online Store for almost all of our products at time of purchase. The Autodesk Online Store does not yet sell subscription contracts by themselves for the Autodesk products you already own. However, if the Subscription Program is available for your product, and you chose not to buy a subscription from out Online Store when you made your purchase, you can still "attach" a subscription within thirty days by contacting your local Autodesk Authorized Reseller. Your Autodesk Authorized Reseller can also provide you with information about available training services. Note that your confirmation email serves as your proof of purchase.

More about Autodesk Subscription.

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Can I upgrade my Subscription support level?

Support level upgrades are currently unavailable through the Autodesk Store. You may either return the product within 30 days and then repurchase it at the desired support level, or you may visit an Autodesk Authorized Reseller to request an upgrade.

To return your product, see the Returns and Cancellations section.

More about Autodesk Subscription.

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What’s the advantage of buying an Autodesk Subscription?
Keeping your product current is only one benefit of having an Autodesk Subscription. Find out more about the features and benefits of subscription, from a complete library of interactive tutorials (e-Learning lessons, instructional DVDs, Autodesk University (AU) course materials, video podcasts, white papers, and more) to IT support to bonus downloads, all accessible through the Autodesk Subscription Center portal.

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What Subscriptions can I buy on the Autodesk Store?
At this time, you can buy a 1-year renewable subscription contract with a new seat purchase of almost all the software products sold on the Store. For the following types of transactions, we recommend you contact your local Authorized Autodesk Reseller:

  • Adding a subscription to an already-purchased software product ("late attach subscription")
  • Purchasing additional licenses for your subscription
  • Network licenses and subscriptions
  • Renewals and late renewal fees
  • Upgrading or cross-grading products with subscription.

Check the list of Subscription Products and Pricing on

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How will I get set up on Autodesk Subscription?
When you order your subscription with a software product purchase on the Autodesk Store, we set you up as Contract Manager for your subscription contract with Autodesk. You will receive a ‘welcome’ email from Autodesk Subscription Program following your Store purchase with your Subscription Center user ID and a temporary password.

To learn how to create an account, retrieve your user ID or reset your password, and access your Subscription benefits, follow the detailed instructions in our Signing In To Subscription Center tutorial.

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What is Subscription Center?
The Autodesk® Subscription Center is a password-protected website that provides you with direct access to your Subscription benefits—software upgrades, product enhancements, web services, technical support, and more—when you purchase licenses on Subscription.

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What do I do if I don’t get my welcome email?
We recommend you first look in your spam, bulk, or junk folder within your email application for a message from Autodesk. If you are not familiar with these folders or how email filtering works, review the guidance below.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Some email providers filter messages based on content, subject line, or the sender's address and may put the email into the a spam, bulk, or junk mail folder. Please make sure is on your "approved sender" list or "whitelist" and/or in your "address book." We often do not even receive notice of such filters, so please be sure you inform your ISP that you want to receive our email.

Spam Blockers/Filters and Email Software

If you have recently installed a new email software or a new program to reduce the amount of junk mail you receive, make sure you check the settings. The "defaults" are often much more restrictive than you might wish. Below is some guidance to get you started.


Please check your "Spam" folder. If you find our email there, select the message and click "This is Not Spam." This will help future messages reach your Inbox.

To avoid accidentally filtering our future messages:

  • Click Mail in the toolbar at the top of your AOL window
  • Select Block Unwanted Mail
  • Click Custom Sender List
  • Select Allow only the senders and domains listed below
  • Enter this domain
  • Click Save


Please check your "Junk email" folder. If you find our email there, select the message and click "Not Junk." This will help future messages reach your Inbox.

To avoid accidentally filtering our future messages:

  • Click Mail, then Options (next to the Help link)
  • Click Junk email Protection
  • Click Safe List
  • Enter this domain:
  • Click Add


Please check your "Bulk Mail" folder. If you find our email there, select the message and click "Not Spam." This will help future messages reach your Inbox.


Please check your "Spam" folder. If you find our email there, select the message and click "Not Spam." This will help future messages reach your Inbox.


Please check your “Junk” folder. If you find our email there, select the message and click “Not Junk.” This will help future messages reach your Inbox.

To avoid accidentally filtering our future messages:

  • Open your Junk E-mail Options.
  • Select Safe Senders, then Add.
  • Type and click OK.
  • Type and click OK.
  • Click OK.

If you are unable to locate the email with your Subscription Center user ID, you can request another one through Customer Service Assistance.

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