
Shipping Information

Has my order shipped?
You can view the status of your order by logging into your Order Details page.

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When can I expect my order to arrive?
Please click here to look up your order.
Shipping Method Estimated Delivery Time*
UPS Overnight 1-2 Business Days
UPS 2nd Day 2 Business Days
UPS Ground 5-7 Business Days
UPS Worldwide Saver (Canada) 2-4 Business Days

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How do I get my tracking number?
You can view any tracking numbers associated with your order by logging into your Order Details page.

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What countries do you ship to?
From this store, we ship or download all products to the United States and Canada; we ship or download courseware, manuals and learning materials (no software) worldwide. In keeping with our software licensing agreements, please note that if you want to ship non-software products outside of the United States and Canada, you cannot include any software on the order or it will not be processed.
In Asia, we have an online store in Japan. If you are outside of these countries, click here to visit our reseller locator:
We ship selected products (courseware, manuals and learning materials) to all countries except those with trade sanctions in place with the United States.

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If I purchase a product from one country's store, can I use it in another country?
No. Software products purchased on this Store must be used in accordance with the terms of the Autodesk License agreement accompanying them; such terms include a restriction that the products may not be used outside of the country of purchase. For this site, the Territory for sale of software products is the US, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam. Please see the Digital River Terms and Conditions.

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I live in Canada. What extra fees do I have to pay?
The Autodesk Store processes Canadian orders in $US funds. Any brokerage or customs fees (including GST or HST) that may be applied are included.

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I live outside the US. Will I have to pay customs fees?
If you live outside the United States, custom and tariff fees may apply according to your country's import laws. Unless you live in Canada, these fees may be collected by the carrier upon delivery and this company does not have control of these fees.

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When will my backorder ship?
Although we try to maintain inventory of all products in the warehouse, occasionally an item will be back ordered. Normally, the product will become available within 5-7 business days. You will receive e-mail notification as soon as the product ships. All items on your order will be shipped together; we do not currently provide split order shipment. As a reminder, your credit card will not be charged until your order has been shipped.

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Can I change my shipping address?
Unfortunately, you can not change your shipping address after your order has been submitted. The order is immediately sent to the fulfillment agency and can no longer be changed by our system. If your package is not successfully delivered, it will be returned to the warehouse and a credit will be made to your account.

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Can I change my shipment method?
Unfortunately, you can not change your shipment method after your order has been submitted. The order is immediately sent to the fulfillment agency and can no longer be changed by our system.

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